Mutual Respect

We are aligned as one team. We respect, listen to, challenge, support, and learn from each other.

Integrity means:

  • Treat one another with dignity, respect, and fairness.
  • Object to
    harassmentUnder U.S. law, Harassment means actions that inappropriately or unreasonably interfere with work performance or create an intimidating, hostile, or otherwise offensive work environment based on protected characteristics.

    At Marathon Oil, we prohibit harassment as well as other disrespectful actions, including:

    • Unwelcome advances
    • Inappropriate or derogatory comments, jokes, or images
    • Intimidation, bullying, or threats
    • Threatening or violent physical contact
    • Any other harassing conduct
    and actions that create an offensive or intimidating environment.
  • Never mistreat someone for any reason, including the way they look, their background or experiences, or what they believe.


You may be interested in reviewing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Human Rights and Human Trafficking. You also have several options to ask a question or raise a concern.