Insider Trading

We cannot trade on or share
material nonpublic informationMaterial Nonpublic Information is Material Information that has not been previously disclosed or made available to the public by means of a press release, SEC filing or other media for broad public dissemination.
about Marathon Oil or the companies we conduct business with. Insider trading is illegal and a violation of the Company’s Trading Securities by Directors, Officers, and Employees Policy.

Integrity means:

  • Recognize when we have
    material nonpublic informationMaterial Nonpublic Information is Material Information that has not been previously disclosed or made available to the public by means of a press release, SEC filing or other media for broad public dissemination.
    and do not use it for our own personal gain.
  • Do not share
    material nonpublic informationMaterial Nonpublic Information is Material Information that has not been previously disclosed or made available to the public by means of a press release, SEC filing or other media for broad public dissemination.
    with others or “tip” someone to trade in Marathon Oil securities.
  • Do not share
    material nonpublic informationMaterial Nonpublic Information is Material Information that has not been previously disclosed or made available to the public by means of a press release, SEC filing or other media for broad public dissemination.
    with others or “tip” someone to trade in securities or companies we conduct business with or obtain information about during the course of business.
  • Only trade Marathon Oil securities during “open” windows.

Examples of Material Nonpublic Information include:

  • Confidential strategic planning
  • Key financial metrics
  • Information about acquisitions, mergers, or other significant prospective business opportunities
  • Changes in management or key roles in the company
  • Planned public offerings of stock


You may be interested in reviewing Compliance with Laws and Sensitive Information. You also have several options to ask a question or raise a concern.